Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Homemade Jamz Movie:The Hendrix Move (Classical Mix)

A pictorial of guitars made from car mufflers set to a Classical music piece by Bach (but done by some other dudes). Even though the guitars are made from new mufflers, as metal art,  I think it still fits as "scrap metal philosophy".

This video was made with FlipShare pictures, Picasa "movie" maker and a YouTube soundtrack.

The original project had Luther Allison playing, Going Down, in the background but it didn't load up as part of the Picasa movie project, which some how stretched out from 7:30 to 9:30, so I picked a track of equal length.

Instead of scrapping the whole project, it turned into a "dramatic" Blues movie of a young fellow doing a "Hendrix move" by playing the guitar behind his head, having a good time doing so.