Friday, July 22, 2011

Don't Forget Your Hornet & Wasp Spray

Was scrapping yesterday and got attacked by an angry hornet. I had filled my truck and trailer full of scrap and was doing a walk-around gathering up my tools, my last path being under an old porch, which I had been traversing for the past few hours.

All of a sudden a red hornet came out of a porch rafter, (like a ninja in waiting), swooped by my face, flew back up into the air (at this point, everything went in slow-mo) and came at me like a demon thrown out of heaven with his ass on fire! I duck and started to run (in slow-mo), but no luck. The red-ass'd demon spawn gets tangled in my hair! this point I know I'm intercoursed... I don't even have my gloves on.

Got stung. My head is tender from the top side, down to my left ear. Hopefully this incident will remind me NOT to forget my wasp/hornet spray. I just don't like to keep a pressurized can in my truck tool box or in the cab during the summer. I'm always afraid it might become a bomb!

Okay, have to unload and start separating the different metals. I have copper, brass, aluminum, steel and some cast iron. And to be honest with you, I hate to scrap one of the pieces, it's an old-timey lumber mill saw.       I see the potential in it for a interesting piece of art, if not, as a nostalgic piece. But then, I have to consider thieves... who scrap.

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