Friday, April 6, 2012

Scrap Metal Philosophy Gets A YouTube Channel & New Blog Ideas

I bought a Flip Ultra HD video recorder on the way to the 2010 Sunflower River Blues & Gospel Festival in Clarksdale, Mississippi, (usually around first full-weekend in August), and not only captured some great live acts, but just about the whole downtown festival area and have continued filming as I roam since then.
I live in West Tennessee and the entrance to the Mississippi Delta area is about a 5-6 drive, a nice road trip to a part of the world rich with "Delta Folk Art", mostly because many of the artist still live there.  I have a story to tell later on about butting-heads with an "Outsider Art" vendor at the 2011 Juke Joint Festival, (also in Clarksdale, Mississippi). She was from Georgia, where "it all started". And maybe she's right about "Outsider Art", but not "Delta Folk Art".

But, this is not what this blog post is about, although as you can see, a blog post in where I delve into "art philosophy" (maybe in the form of a rant, maybe a historical perspective) is forth coming. 

What I'd like to announce is that I have a lot of video that did not get posted within the reasonable time-frame that fellow YouTubers would consider "fresh material", as that is what my  Carroll Gazette YouTube channel is mostly about, recent events, in most cases, Blues Festivals in the Mississippi Delta.

So, instead of letting them sit on my hard-drive as scrap video, I'm going to load them on my new YouTube channel, Scrap Metal Philosophy, with a focus on the various intsrtaments used by the musicians made from scrap.

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